Eric Knipper

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Eric Knipper lives in Copenhagen. His comics have been published in newspapers and book form: Twilight, Nørrebronx 1-2, Germania (with the National museum of Denmark) and Berserker. He has contributed to several comics anthologies in Denmark and Australia.


germania-coverGermania is about the Iron Age, and has been created in cooperation with the Danish National Museum and Forlaget Faraos. You’ll follow the Cimbric warrior Hariuha as a mercenary at the roman Limes and Danish warlord.

Text and art by Eric Knipper.

1 book
72 pages
21,0 x 21,0 cm


Berserker1-2-coversBerserker tells the tale of Saxnôt, who is consecrated as Berserker, a sort of holy warrior. Berserker is settled in the 8/9th century, when king Godfred of the Danes was fighting against Charlemagne, the mighty Frankish emperor.
Published on Comixology in English.

Text and art by Eric Knipper.

2 books, 44 pages each
Book 3 out in 2020
21,0 x 29,7 cm

Sample page from Berserker.
Sample page from Germania.