Casper Sand Christensen

Foreign RightsCasper Sand Christensen


A Danish comic artist and graphic designer, Casper’s published works include various newspaper strips, and other anthology stories in Danish. He has been drawing comics for most of his life, but it is only recently that his work has been published in print. Infection has been a passion project for years now.


NEW! 2020: Originally a popular Danish webcomic. Now finally, remastered and expanded for print.

Infection comics foreign rightsInfection is a story of rage and revenge, and is built around action and humor. We get to meet Dave Blame on his way to destruction throughout vol. 1. And it is only the beginning.
Ages 13 and up.

Text and art by Casper Sand Christensen.

The Infection series:
1 book, 78 pages
Published in June 2020
17,6 x 250 cm
Book 2 and 3 are in production.